Elena Gin 750ml

Elena Gin 750ml

Regular price $40.95

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Elena Gin is a truly unique and authentic London Dry Gin, crafted with passion and precision by Elena Penna Currado and Luca Currado Vietti, the masterminds behind the iconic Vietti winery based in the picturesque Piedmont region of Italy. The gin is a testament to the Langa Style, inspired by the rolling hills and lush landscapes of the Langhe area of Barolo.

Elena Gin boasts a distinct flavor profile, derived from a carefully curated blend of native botanicals sourced from the Italian Alps of Piedmont, including juniper berries, almonds, Langhe thyme, coriander seeds, black elderflower, Angelica, wild mint, chamomile, cassia bark, and organic citrus fruits from the Ligurian hills bordering Piedmont. These ingredients come together in perfect harmony to create a complex yet balanced gin that is both refreshing and aromatic.

Crafted in small batches using two refurbished 18th-century wood-fired pot stills, Elena Gin is made using the "one shot" method, ensuring that the delicate botanicals are used only once to achieve the finest aromas and flavors. The gin is then lightly filtered using natural paper, resulting in a subtly yellow-colored liquid that is both pleasing to the eye and the palate.

Elena Gin is a true masterpiece of Italian distilling, and a testament to the rich heritage and traditions of the Piedmont region. With its unique blend of local botanicals, carefully crafted production process, and distinct flavor profile, it is a gin that is sure to delight the senses and transport you to the rolling hills of Barolo with every sip.

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